So I've been reading a whole (corrected my terrible spelling) lotta DC comics lately including Justice League: Generation Lost written by Keith Giffen and Judd Winick (amazing work fellas!) My point being Booster Gold and Captain Atom have to have some of the WORST costumes, so this is my solution for Booster's terrible fit. Thoughts?

Captain Atom redesign to follow.
I know your an artist not a wordsmith but I think you meant whole not hole...
I don't think anyone can make Booster look cool. If you think Captain Atom looks bad now, Google Captain Atom Armageddon for the awful Alex Ross designed look. The best version? It was in Watchmen when they called him Dr. Manhattan.
I did mean 'Whole'... i think. I agree with the Dr. Manhattan comment but by saying "I don't think anyone can make Booster look cool," are you saying my Booster Doesn't look cool?
I think he looks pretty cool...
p.s. Googling Captain Atom Armageddon pics will give you a wedgie between your brains.
I think the colors should be switched. Less Yellow and more blue would do him a world of good.
You should go crushed velvet pantsuit...just sayin.
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